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Thursday, August 29, 2013

Memory Tips and Tricks

Try these ideas for remembering things you need to know for quizzes, tests or just because.

Turn a list of words into an acronym.  An acronym uses the first letter of each word to make a new word .
Examples: NBA is the acronym for National basketball Association. SCUBA is the acronym for Self - Contained Underwater Breathing Apparatus.

PEMDAS  could be your acronym for remembering the order of operations in math: Parentheses, Exponents, Multiplications, Division, Addition, Subtraction.

Turn a list of words into silly sentence. Do you need to remember the names of the planets in their order from Sun- Mercury, Venus, Earth, Mars, Jupiter, Saturn, Uranus, Neptune, Pluto? Make up a sentence using the first letters of each planet's name: " My Very Educated Mother Just Served Us Nine Pizzas."


Get Organized Without Losing It

Front Cover

Free Spirit Publishing01-Jan-2006 - Students - 112 pages
Tips, techniques, strategies, and examples empower kids to conquer clutter, prioritize tasks, handle homework, prepare for tests, plan projects, stop procrastinating, and start enjoying the benefits of being organized.
Page No: 87
Accession No- 27159